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System settings


allow_multiple_emailsnoso that each user has their own email address
friendly_alias_realtimeyesreal-time alias generation
friendly_urlsyesenabling friendly URLs
friendly_urls_strictyesstrict regime
publish_defaultyesby default, the resource is created published
use_alias_pathyesso that the URL considers the parent's alias, not its frozen URL
resource_tree_node_tooltipaliasso you can figure out what the address of the resource is
localeen_US.utf8locale setting
request_method_strictyesdisabling page access by id
unauthorized_pageid 403ID of the 403 page
error_pageid 404ID of the 404 page
error_page_headerHTTP/1.0 404 Not Foundheader for a 404 error
site_unavailable_pageid 503ID of the 503 page
log_deprecatednodeprecated functions in the error log


pdotools_fenom_defaultyesuse of Fenom in chunks
pdotools_fenom_modxyesenable MODX in Fenom
pdotools_fenom_parseryesuse of Fenom on pages
pdotools_elements_path{core_path}/to load file elements


tinymcerte.pluginsadvlist autolink lists modximage charmap print preview anchor visualblocks searchreplace code fullscreen insertdatetime media table contextmenu paste modxlink textcolor colorpicker templatePlugins
tinymcerte.toolbar1undo redo | styleselect | backcolor forecolor bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image | templateToolbar 1
tinymcerte.external_config{assets_path}components/tinymcerte/js/external-config.jsonExternal config


boilerplate_compress_output_htmlyescompresses html output for Google
boilerplate_hide_vtabs_tvnohides the vertical tab for tv
boilerplate_menu_descriptionnohides component descriptions in the menu